Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association

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"MCITTA is a fellowship of 0250s and 0251s joined in camaraderie that get together once a year at various venues to renew friendships and make new friends. And now can commiserate via Facebook. There are no dues and the only real requirement is that one must have been an interrogator or held the 0250 or 0251 MOS. Send Membership form to:

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Membership Eligibility

Persons eligible for membership in The Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association are:

    a. Serving Regular and Reserve Force Marine Interrogators who hold a primary or secondary MOS of 0250 (Officer) or 0251 (Enlisted)

    b. Retired and Veteran former Marine Interrogators who have held a primary or secondary MOS of 0250 (Officer) or 0251 (Enlisted);

    c. Serving, Retired, or former members of the Armed Forces of the United States, who, at any time, are or were designated as Marine Interrogators and held either of the aforementioned MOSs; and

    d. Officers who have commanded an ITT in the past, especially the Vietnam era, and who may have held an MOS other than the 0250.


Regular membership shall be permanent, having earned the privilege of membership through service with the Interrogator Translator Teams as a Marine Interrogator.


Annual dues have not been established for membership in the MCITTA. The Association shall meet its fiscal requirements through the gracious donations of its membership.
The Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association has been incorporated as a veteran, non-profit organization and as such all donations are tax deductible within and prescribed by the IRS tax code. The MCITTA operates only through the generosity of its members. All donations are gratefully accepted and will be used exclusively for operating expenses of the Association.

Membership Registration

All Marines who have held the interrogator/translator MOS are requested to submit their information for inclusion on our membership rolls in order that the Association may maintain contact and disseminate news of our brother Marine Interrogators from time to time.

This mailing roster will be kept in strict confidence and privacy and not used for any commercial or other purpose that would break faith with our fellow Marines.

For additional information and/or Membership Form-revised-05/06/2021
Please send an email to

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Questions, comments, changes and/or additions:
Contact Frank Signorile